Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

la Ciudad de México round 2

3-6 de febrero

This post is going to be a pretty brief post because I didn't transfer any of the pictures from this trip to my laptop before my phone was stolen a couple days later. 

The rest of the LASP program and I went to Mexico City during the end of the first week of February to go to museums, see the major sites and get to know a bit more about the history of Mexico. 

My favorite parts were the palace of Maximilian and El Palacio de Bellas Artes, the latter featured an amazing mural by Diego Rivera named El hombre controlador del universo. I spent a good 15 minutes sitting in front of this mural, just taking it in, absorbed by its complexity.

Source: http://www.wikiart.org/en/diego-rivera/man-controller-of-the-universe-1934
All of the murals in this museum were absolutely stunning, and the 40 minutes we had there were not enough. 

Most of the nights were spent in the hotel, but there was a 7-11 across the street so we had access to junk foods for random hotel room parties. It was a really good bonding experience for everyone and I came out of it feeling more connected to the group as a whole. 

Some of my friends and I spent an extra night in la Ciudad, and we went out for the night to a bar/club thing where we ended up just sitting around, eating chips and guac, talking about life and playing Never Have I Ever. 

I want to go back to CDMX really badly because the city is massive- it takes about 2 hours of highway driving to cross the city from one side to the other- and absolutely stunning.

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