Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


I am so blessed.
I spent the last week in Mazatlán with my amazing family. We wandered through the old city, swam in the warm ocean, and soaked up the sunlight on the shore.
Our resort also had an all inclusive open bar, so i got to drink as many mangoneadas and miami vices as I could ever want.
I'm tinged a little pink now, but its all worth it.
Exploring Old Mazatlán was amazing, my dad printed out a walking tour he found online and we all just took a day to explore, enjoy good food, and take photos of old buildings.
We found a whole room filled with trophies, just left there. It was so cool to see buildings where half looked lived in, but the other half was being reclaimed by nature. I've always loved abandoned buildings, and these were just so fascinating to see from the outside.

My Spanish is better than I thought it would be, I'm able to communicate my needs and hold pretty simple conversations with people. My grandparents, sister and I went on a tour of Stone Island, where we went on a tour of the town in a horse drawn wagon. Our guide didn't speak much English at all, so I worked as a translator for my family and also had a pretty sweet conversation with him during the course of the 30 minute tour. And, if I understood him correctly, we drove past the home of the village witch, It was super cool because there were whale vertebrae (i think, whatever they were they were huge), a giant pile of coconuts, and other such knickknacks. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture :(

We spent all of Christmas day relaxing on the beach, and as a result I'm a little sunburned which made my hives act up (because apparently I'm allergic to the sun, go figure). But it was all worth it. Mom and I got up at 6:30am in order to claim a cabana and we spent the rest of the day relaxing, swimming in the (relatively) warm ocean (it was about the temperature of an outdoor pool in summer), drinking and bonding.

I'm in the Mazatlán airport now, waiting for my flight which leaves in a little over an hour. There's only about three other people here, so the anxious part of me keeps wondering if I'm in the right place, but the nice helpful tv by the gate says my flight number so I'm pretty sure I'm okay. I've been here for about four hours, because the rest of my family just boarded their flight back to the states.
Saying goodbye was hard, especially because I thought I'd be able to sit with them, but then we had to go through separate security gates. I cried a lot, and mom and gramma teared up which was expected. My dad started crying to though, which I think is only the third or fourth time I've ever actually seen him cry (tearing up during the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer doesn't count).
I only stopped crying fully after about an hour, because I kept tearing up every time I got a snapchat or a message from them on whatsapp.
It's hard realizing that I won't see them until June, especially because I've been able to just pop home for the weekend whenever I felt like it these last few years. It's going to be hard, but I know we'll make it through. 

I still have about an hour left until my flight boards, so I'm going to watching Captain America: The First Avenger and wait for the other people on my flight to start showing up.

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