Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Brujas, Cloaks and Classes

19 de enero

Today I learned that some of the churches here in Puebla don't keep holy water in their entry because the local brujas [witches] kept putting potions in it.
I guess it's the optomist in me, but I keep imagining kind little old ladies sauntering up to the holy water and dumping in a potion to encourage compassion and forgiveness because she thinks the world needs more.

In other news, yesterday I bought a chal [shawl] that kind of looks like a cloak. I wore it to class today and at least three friends told me that I look like I belong in Hogwarts. I feel so epic swooshing around in it and it makes me very happy. 

I'm also probably going to sign up for a painting class, even if it is a little nerve wracking and not necessarily in my traditional branch of skills. I originally wanted to do ceramics, but a whole bunch of my classmates are taking it and I don't want to be tempted to gravitate towards only them. I want to make new friends, dammit!

Right now I'm resting my becloaked self in an attempt to recharge my introverted energies. I think this is some of my only free time in a while, and I've felt like I've been running on empty for the last couple of days. It's hard to get alone time when one of the major rules is "Don't go anywhere alone, ever!"

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