Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Fuertes, Murales y Comida

16 de enero

January 16, my friends and I went to los Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe, two forts that were essential in the battle of Cinco de Mayo in the revolution against french occupation. They were constructed in the 18th century, and are absolutely beautiful.

Entrance to Fort Loreto
The fort featured a museum with lots of war relics such as flags, uniforms, guns, binoculars and the like. It was super cool to see so many artifacts that were in relatively good condition and to learn a bit about Mexico's history as we wandered through. We went with a couple friends who are also on exchange in Puebla, but hail from one of the northern states. They were able to give us a bit more background information about the wars and such.
Panorama of the fort ft. Sydney

Beautiful mural representing the revolution
The mural above is one of my favorites I've seen. The colors are vivid, and its done in the style of traditional Mexican muralists. 

Food of the Week:

Lentil soup with tocino (bacon) and platanos fritos (fried bananas, which just so happen to be one of my favorite foods ever).

It might not look like much, but this is probably one of the best foods I've eaten so far here in Puebla. I didn't think I even liked lentil soup, but I ate two bowls of this stuff and would have eaten more if I didn't want to save room for the main course. 

It's been a really amazing few weeks food wise. I'm eating healthier foods in large portions, so my snacking habit has all but disappeared. I've been having a hard time battling my salted, fatty food cravings. When I get desperate, I satisfy it with these freshly made potato chips with lime juice and salt that are deliciously deadly. 

Overall though, I've felt a lot healthier since I've been here. My host mother appears mildly offended that I've actually been loosing weight. I need to explain that it's not because I'm not eating enough, but that I'm actually eating well.

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